We are all trying to find lofty ways to maximize our growth and optimize solutions to fuel greater prosperity in our work. But what does that actually mean if we cannot work productively and get anything done in the first place?
As a student, I’m always searching, reading, and researching the best tips to get more done in less time but the truth is, that is really hard to do! More often than not, 80% of results = 80% of our hard work and labor, not 20% and there is no way around it besides doing a sloppy and poor job if rushed.
So I searched outside of myself. Since I’m not commuting, stuck at home all day in my bedroom office that seemingly allows me to work better and more productively with no distractions or traveling, I came to the conclusions that regardless of where you are, your productivity and workflow zen can increase by two-fold once you take into consideration these unexpected factors:
Avoiding Boredom
This is something we all try to avoid. For a while, I thought having no empty space in my calendar was a good thing, until I saw a red flag. I wasn’t enjoying anything and hard working. The number one thing I’ve learned throughout quarantine is that boredom fuels growth. I cannot imagine how dead I would feel if I continued my same school schedule daily. It was a blessing in disguise and a wake-up call that I needed to chill and not do anything. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Breaks are necessary for growth. Prioritize them or fall victim to your own misery through burnout. Don’t worry, sooner or later Musk won’t work 110% 24/7 with no sleep. That isn’t possible and don’t kill yourself like Steve Jobs did either.
Focusing On What You Cannot Control
As we’ve learned during this pandemic, those who do not prepare for the worst, suffer during it. I always take on the saying of being realistically pessimistic. You never want to be too joyful that you will keep your job forever and your mortgage payments will never fall through because that is simply not realistic. What if the bank defaults or there is volatility in your job market? Most things you cannot control, especially how people think of you and who will replace you tomorrow. It just takes a 4pm meeting or post on social media to ruin your life. No matter how hard you work, change happens and you need to be adaptable to it, the only thing you can control.
Top tips you can control that will make you more secure:
-Set up an emergency savings account, 6–12 months of expenses preferred
-Life, home, car insurance to avoid unexpected doubled fees, accidents are predictable
-Learn personal and digital finance
-Diet, exercise, sleep = best medicine for a healthy and fruitful life
-Being nice to people so they can treat you nicer and lead you to opportunities
-Learn to make good, hearty, delicious healthy food
-Tinker with Excel
-Always be punctual, positive, and present
Work Space
Since I live in an apartment in NYC, space is a problem. Since most New Yorkers tend to buy the least amount of space possible since no one intends to stay in their apartment all day long and instead enjoy the nightlife, museums, parks, and just the plain old yet new city (no pun intended), there is traditionally no need to spice up your living space in a crowded 1 bedroom. Of course, that has all changed now and even if you’re in my situation with no room to breathe in your closet like bedroom, bathroom, workstation, kitchen credenza hallway space, barely able to close the door, that needs to change because it’s affecting more than you work but your sanity, the only thing you really need to focus on these days.
Surprisingly, despite the lack of space, I don’t feel crowded because of the minimalistic design approach I take on with space.
Less = More
If you observe my bedroom it wouldn’t look like I have a workstation, bathroom, 2 closets, desk, credenza, and bookshelves are there because there is barely any stuff, just furniture with natural light, simple basic toned colors.
Be creative! You are confined to the space you make for yourself, not what is available. Clean and clear space = fresh mind.
Drive and curiosity is the best type of hunger. I’m talking about your appetite here. In America, food isn’t designed for fuel. Instead because it’s time or for pleasure. My first best friend that I made in middle school instilled the worst practice in me that took over 5 years to get out of. It was an eating disorder. The moment she ate a piece of bread, she would do 60 jumping jakes or if she didn’t feel like breaking a sweat, just throw up in the bathroom. No wonder America has the highest obesity, cholesterol, and heart attack rates in the world. You are either insanely obese or sickly skinny. Luckily, it can all be prevented upon how much we consume and treat ourselves but of course, only if we listen which most of us clearly don’t.
If you travel to racially any other country outside of the US, portion sizes will be smaller, gyms won’t exist on every street corner, and 3 meals per day with a must-have half off deluxe dessert is abandoned. Food should be a pleasurable activity that is designed to take time and enjoyed not stuffed down the throat biting off more than you can chew. Meals aren’t based on the time of day and instead focused on growth and hunger.
Japan, the healthiest place on earth where people live the longest and follow the blue zone diet of the paleo and keto diets, it is common to see the Japanese eat meals together with no electronics, distractions, and at a slowly dead pace. Of course in America, we can’t even get a second stimulus bill based for the 300th day in a row so don’t rely on the government to switch the staple McDonalds to Sweet Green but at least we are in control of what we put into our mouths and it doesn’t have to be what’s cheap and readily available.
Yes, it is more expensive but at the cost of your health and future, it is 100% more worth it. At home, we are bombarded by food. Instead of having cookies insight, put fruit out on the table and raw vegetables ready to be sauteed. Changing your environment will change your mind. Don’t worry, nothing is running out except the years off of your life.
Every time you consume something you are either adding years or subtracting them.
Online Consumption
We all know we are spending too much time online and comparing ourselves via social media but it just feels too good to stop. Dopamine hits are crazy good. It seems like we all have excuses these days to be on social media. Either you are an influencer and Instagram is your job or your passion in life is the head of social media at a fancy yet dead startup. Whatever it is, as much as you love your job, you know you want a break from work in your regular life so why don’t you do that with social media as well? Trust me, you aren’t as busy as you think. And if you really believe still, get an assistant and you would be better off talking to them about the notifications you are getting about your photos if you are so concerned don’t get enough likes. Otherwise, you are just falling victim as with 2.5 billion-plus social media addicts are a day seduced by monopolies stealing money out of your pockets through your eyes. Yes, it’s as scary as it seems. It’s just not marketed that way if you haven’t learned that from your social media job yet.

These times are tough. We cannot compare one another and say our life is worse. We are all going through different things and react in unique ways but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to make our lives more fruitful and still enjoy it with the days we have left this year.
Maybe adios 2020 or hello 2021. Whatever your catchphrase is, remember that your life is determined by how you design and treat it. Treat yourself with dignity and follow these best practices to ensure you don’t go more stir crazy.