🤑It’s Okay To Want Money. It Doesn’t Make You A Bad Person

There’s an endless amount of money in this world.

Don’t listen to your economics teacher. There’s no scarcity in sight, only abundance.

Put that cap on.

You need to believe you deserve to make, spend and save money.

To have the ability to decide you financial future is powerful.

Money isn’t just for other people with less problems and bigger smiles.

Luck plays a different role in success. The more successful one is, the more luck sprang into their life.

How to manifest luck?

You can’t time nor predict it only prepare and take more action to land opportunities on your plate.

Thinking about money will keep you daydreaming forever, understanding, planning and earning will make you flourish.

Spill the Tea

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to stop pretending I was rich. It won’t serve you, your bank account, your network or anyone.

You may be thinking, you can take your friends out and pay for everything they could possibly want since you look better off than them, but you probably won’t because if you were entitled and only cared about image, you would want to spend it all on yourself.

The new style of stealth wealth is coming back and fresher than ever. You want to live and feel rich but not look rich.

Money isn’t bad if you use it as a tool and control it not let it control you. It won’t buy the true happiness that you receive from free things and people. It can screw your mind and make you worse off than you already are since too much of a good thing is dangerous. Or it can help you give back to the world and become the best version of yourself. Possibly through ESG investing, you can read here, or it can help you accomplish what you never thought you were capable of.

It requires a checklist and a plan otherwise a spending spree will happen because face it, there’s always something you don’t have and comparison is the ultimate thief. It is one of the most dangerous feelings you could possess and once you start appreciating what you have instead of believing you need to get rid of everything, you become more at peace, grateful, appreciative, start being human embracing your authentic personality, make memories and experiences rather than become a hoarder.

There’s an endless amount of money in this world. There’s no shortage. We have billionaires in this country that are worth more than the GDP of emerging market and developed countries that are pretty well off on their own. They didn’t view money as a means to an end. They created impact and value and money was a byproduct of that success.

Set the right intentions and let money help not harm you. Don’t turn it into an obsession turn it into a journey.

Knowing what you want is important, not knowing it is dangerous.

Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

It’s deadly if tools are in the uneducated hands. In this case 80%+ of the world that is financially illiterate.

Invest in yourself so it works for you not against you.

Money can be spent ASAP but education will always stay glued to the noggin if you use it wisely.