Top Budgeting Tactics to Follow As A 23 Year Old in One of the Most Expensive Cities in the World

In the bustling streets of New York City, traditional budgeting advice such as the 50/30/20 rule often falls short. For the first time in history Gen Z and Millennials are finding themselves worse off than their parents were at their age, thanks to inflation, high interest rates, and the relentless cost of city living. Nowadays the fear of the economy’s performance is heightened and a main concern among twenty-somethings. So, how can we enjoy a moderate lifestyle without penny-pinching or juggling multiple side hustles just to make ends meet?

The Reality of City Living

For most city residents, a significant portion of their income goes toward housing. The remainder is allocated towards necessities like groceries, essentials, and discretionary items. The temptation to overspend is omnipresent in a city like New York, where there’s always something happening, be it social events, new restaurants, or must-see shows. Avoiding expenditures is not only challenging but also counterintuitive to the very essence of city life, which thrives on networking, socializing, and yes, spending money.

The Spending Dilemma

Spending is almost inevitable in New York City, primarily because the city is designed for it. Most New Yorkers are here for work, while a small percentage enjoy the luxury of living here on their own terms. A small number are retired and choose to pay the high income and property to maintenance taxes, along with other inconveniences like lack of personal outdoor space and reliance on public transportation.

Balancing the act of not being stingy while being frugal and valuing experiences comes down to knowing your values. One key strategy is to minimize spending on services that you can do yourself such as brewing your own coffee to walking an extra few blocks. From tipping to extra taxes and fees, these small expenses add up quickly.

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Practical Tips for City Budgeting

  1. DIY When Possible: If you can make your morning latte at home, do it. This might be challenging if you’re always on the go, but find small ways to minimize extra fees when dining out.
  2. Mind the Small Expenses: Never underestimate how quickly small expenses add up. These can significantly impact your budget if not managed carefully and can be easily cut out compared to larger services you rely on.
  3. Time is Money: Even ordering food on the go, while seemingly efficient, can be time-consuming. Instead of waiting in line, consider alternatives like preparing meals in advance. This not only saves money but also frees up time that you can use more productively.

Living in an expensive city like New York requires a modern approach to budgeting that goes beyond the traditional 50/30/20 rule. It’s about being efficient, mindful, and strategic with your spending. There’s no one set approach to it. Everyone does it differently based on their circumstances and income but saving more than you earn is the first step.

By making small adjustments and prioritizing your time, health, and money, you can enjoy the vibrant city life without constantly feeling the financial pinch. Remember, saving money often starts with knowing yourself and to stop comparing.Being smart about both can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.