What’s the point of making money if it cannot provide a better life?
Sometimes what we own, owns us. Striking the right balance between becoming obsessive versus pragmatic about what you need to live a decent life is as important as knowing how and where to spend.
It may be hard to believe but there are far more people who have more and don’t know what to do with it than those with less and feel much more satisfied and grateful. No one can tell you how much you need but you. Comparing yourself to social media versions of fantasy is unrealistic.
Part of the journey of growing wealth is understanding who you are and what allows you to feel satisfied to live off of since too much of anything is a bad thing.
Moderation is key in everything, especially dough. It’s no surprise lottery winners are more likely to become bankrupt than those who never win since they don’t have their priorities straight and prefer a lump sum to spend in no time instead of budget accordingly.
Never lose sight of the basics. After all, in order to accumulate what you need, basics are boring but actually work. Stick to them and know that through unwavering commitment and dedication, anything is possible.
The priceless things in life are most scarce and as a result, most valuable. You will feel 100x more appreciative of putting in the work to attain something than being given a reward. Whether you have the luxury and ‘good’ problem of dealing with a windfall or are unsure where to deploy your extra cash, make sure it’s following a guide your future 80-year-old self would be proud of.
Anything in excess is dangerous, especially money. Hence, up to a point, once your basic needs are met, it cannot provide more happiness. It’s a muscle that must be trained instead. Learn about the hedonic treadmill earlier than later to never crash and burn.

Moderation is key and most of the time, sitting on a beach all day sipping margaritas isn’t as luxurious and pleasant as working towards a goal that matters.
Don’t be fooled into believing money should only buy more assets or tangibles. It can also provide the best ROI through investing in yourself or giving to charity. There’s no better feeling than giving, especially to those that have walked in your shoes or have helped you along your journey.
Conspicuous consumption and overload are ubiquitous in this day in age. Strive to consume less and produce more instead. Enjoy your earnings modestly and feel better saving and investing them for future potential. After all, if it doesn’t hurt to save, you aren’t saving enough!