The Non-Essentials We’ve Made into Must-Haves: How to Stay Frugal Without Feeling Guilty

In society today, it would appear that nearly everything has a requisite label attached to it. From perfectly manicured nails to perfect haircuts, it is not difficult to imagine that these indulgences have become requisite for the sustenance of one’s self-esteem or societal status.

Yet, when we take a closer look, many of the things we consider necessities are, in fact, nothing more than simple non-necessities that social forces have convinced us are vital to our well-being. What are some methods we can use to embrace a more frugal lifestyle without feeling disconnected or the need to keep up with current trends?

Here I’ll discuss the reasoning behind the promotion of many products as necessities and discuss ways to counteract the effect to engage in this kind of consumerism.

The Evolution of “Self-Care” into a Business Industry

In contemporary use, the term “self-care” has become exponentially more prevalent. Though it most definitely does encompass fundamental aspects such as mental well-being, relaxation, and rest, it has also come to be equated with pricey beauty treatments and frequent salon trips. A manicure, professionally done hair, or a facial is commonly considered to be an integral component of self-care.

However, the reality is, much of this has been driven by marketing and societal trends.

Consider the following: pre-Instagram influencer and beauty guru days, a manicure or salon visit was typically something you did for a special occasion. Now, however, it is a regular occurrence for many, with the added stress of needing to be perfect for social media.

The Social Comparison Pressure

One may feel like they are lacking when scanning social media feeds full of friends, coworkers, or influencers who have perfect fingernails, immaculately styled hair, and radiant complexions. These encounters may cause occasion feelings of not being good enough or FOMO, therefore legitimizing expenditures on items that are maybe not actually needed.

The regular comparison with others makes it increasingly hard to accept the merit of simple, straightforward solutions. One forgets that the carefully edited photos on social media do not show the entire story. Many are, in fact, sacrificing elsewhere in their lives to present a good image, which may involve reducing spending on groceries or taking on loans.

Reconceiving Our Assumptions About Basic Needs

Behind this issue is the false notion of what really is a necessity. Getting your nails done every so often, for instance, seems like something you cannot live without, when in fact, you can. The same with haircuts or spa days. Believing that you cannot present yourself properly or feel secure without them is an illusion — one you can reverse if you want.

The central point in this debate is the recontextualization of the term “necessity.” A necessity includes those things that are essential for survival and effective operation of individuals, such as food, water, shelter, healthcare, and educational facilities. On the contrary, all other things, while coveted, are often seen as non-essential luxuries that, though enjoyable, do not form basic needs for general well-being.

How to Practice Frugality Without Feeling Social Excluded

Embracing frugality does not mean giving up self-care or fun activities, but it does require making conscious and thoughtful choices about spending money.

Here are some tips for leading a frugal life while still developing a positive self-image:

a) Create a Self-Care Budget
It is important to recognize the importance of self-care, but it is also important to set boundaries when it comes to the spending involved in it.

Allocate a certain monthly budget for “self-care” while also being aware of what self-care means to you. Prioritize budget-friendly options like doing yoga at home, making do-it-yourself facial masks, or taking a relaxing bath. You don’t have to spend much on high-end services to achieve a feeling of rejuvenation and refreshment.

b) Adopt Natural Beauty Routines
There is a natural beauty to simplicity. Rather than depending on costly salon visits to manage your hair and nails, it is ideal to seek out natural beauty routines that you can afford. For instance, getting manicures done yourself or finding out how to trim your hair at home can be a rewarding and also affordable option. There are plenty of do-it-yourself beauty tutorials available online, and quite possibly, you may enjoy these self-care routines even more than salon treatments.

c) Set Priorities
You can still pamper yourself with beauty treatments, just be selective when and why. Maybe you get your nails done for a special event or a haircut every other few months instead of every few weeks. Do what makes you feel best and accept that it’s okay to let others slide. Real confidence, after all, comes from within us, not from how polished our appearance is.
d) Emphasize the Enduring Gains That Accrue from Being Frugal One of the greatest advantages of frugal living is being able to allocate resources to saving and investing in assets of lasting value. By reducing wasteful spending, individuals can create a financial buffer for emergencies, save funds for future endeavors, or invest in experiences that are truly important to them.

It’s all about the conscious management of one’s finances to create a lifestyle that reflects personal values rather than following the transient trends set by society.

e) Look for Alternative Ways of Satisfying
The need to follow a particular appearance is usually driven by the urge to get approval or respect from others. Nevertheless, satisfaction is earned from within. It is preferable to engage in activities that enhance personal development, for instance, acquiring new skills, volunteering, or spending time with individuals who make one feel good about himself or herself, irrespective of one’s appearance.

Developing a Positive Attitude towards Financial Means and Physical Looks

Image by Unsplash

In short, the antidote to resisting the temptation of unnecessary expenditure is in the development of a healthy association with financial capital and one’s own loveliness. It is a sense of one’s own intrinsic worth, value, and loveliness — whether or not one’s hair or nails happen to be in good condition. True luxury is being free to make decisions based on one’s values and financial objectives, rather than endlessly chasing some idealized notion.

Simplifying life and turning a deaf ear to society’s pressures allows a person to focus on what truly counts: their own happiness, financial stability, and future aspirations.

We should note that identity is not a question of spending or the degree of sophistication of one’s looks. Genuine self-care emanates from decisions made to promote general well-being in every sphere of health.

In summary, adopting a frugal lifestyle does not imply the abandonment of pleasant activities and self-care practices that improve your well-being. Rather, it comes with a heightened sense of awareness of expenditure and a critical examination of cultural norms that transform non-essential commodities into perceived necessities.

By cultivating the right mindset, it is possible to stay authentic, be fiscally responsible, and still live life to the fullest without overspending.

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