For better or for worse. You sell yourself every day.
You can choose to look at the negative or still enjoy the cloudy day.
The quality of your mind is your life. Isn’t that so powerful?
We can be our worst critics or loudest cheerleaders. A few years ago when I first heard the powerful mantra in HS of how our emotions dictate our thoughts and our thoughts dictate our actions, all areas of my life compounded.
If you haven’t noticed, even in the personal finance world, self-help sells really well.
When you realize the massive control you have over your luck, you become fearless. The truth is, luck doesn’t always come to us. We must create it by taking the first step of action which starts with selling ourselves on what we deserve and believe.
Yet everything comes with a cost. Time.
You can make life difficult or easier by crushing the hard choices first. Selling yourself short entails going for the easy short-term gratification dopamine hits instead of the long-term gains. From day trading to diet fads, it’s too easy to get trapped into a productivity rapid mindset to the point where you forget how to focus, stay patient, and win the marathon, never the race.
We all have time. If you want to get what you deserve, you must sell yourself some reality and the truth, not what you are looking tonight with glitzy items and fast food. They fade just like short attention spans and small goals.

Discounted Tag
A sale is up to you for what you make of it. It can be at a discount or a steep price.
Oftentimes, the cheapest things become increasingly expensive at a frightening cost later on. By cheap, it rarely entails cost. Instead, it means a lack of investment in yourself.
We make hundreds of thousands of decisions per day. To optimize your mindset and rewards, turn as many of your healthy actions into habits to reduce the energy expenditure on making decisions and instead focus on what works for you.
Although Wall Street forecasts don’t have a terrific historical trackrecord, analysts, econmists, and investors still compile them each year and quarter to boost some optimism in themselves, spread good luck and hope, and make them feel better about their roles.
If not, we wouldn’t trust our portfolio, general managers, spouse, or ourselves — although the golden rule of financial freedom is to never be reliant on anyone except for ourselves. Anyways, we are always selling our time and attention no matter what we do so might as well use it up with something useful if you have a role to play and predict the future.
Sell and predict the future by creating it instead!
If you have more flexibility over your time, you have the luxury to sell yourself better which later on will pay dividends, possibly increasing your longevity and mindset.
Health = Wealth after all.
Whatever you do, compile a mini cost-benefit analysis. Sell yourself right. What you put in is what you get out but remember to stay prudent, patient, and practical avoiding deep discounts. Everything is priced for a reason.