💪Do These 3 Things To Become Successful Anywhere

Usually the best advice is the simplest, the greatest work is understandable by all, and the people who leave a lasting impression are relatable, personable, make others feel special, listen more, and are down-to-earth.
A few weeks ago, author Neil Gaiman gave a commencement speech. What fascinated me was his simple yet crucial advice for those seeking any opportunity.
He stated we should strive to be good at 3 things:

1) Deliver on time
2) Produce good work
3) Be easy to get along with

Embodying these 3 traits will help you get anywhere. Exceptional talent, IQ, accolades, etc. are not needed to deliver good work, be on time, and friendly. A commitment to always stay curious, practice what you preach, follow through, connect, and be authentically you will take you a long way.
Everything you have you already have inside of you.