🛠Self-Help Sells Too Well

At the start of the year, we are bombarded with self-help. It sells really well. The top two resolutions throughout time have been to become fitter and wealthier.

The best investment is in ourselves. Every person on Earth could improve upon something yet buying the books, attending classes, purchasing the equipment, and following the meal plan are only a small part of the process.

Let’s limit consumption and focus on output instead. 

Being mindful of how we treat ourselves and the enjoyment we bring throughout the journey aren’t recognized enough. If you want to achieve anything worthwhile, it won’t happen overnight. 

Starving yourself or binging on 20 resources won’t last. Set tangible realistic small goals. Small doesn’t mean small results. It means sweet compounded rewards in the end.

Everything in life takes time. Whenever I need a reminder to slow down, I look at nature. Trees don’t grow 20 feet tall in a day nor do flowers blossom in the winter.

I urge you to become more intentional than just putting another random goal on your to-do list that will be gone by January 17th, National New Year’s End Resolution Day. Ask yourself, what can you do to become your ultimate self, not just want? How can you enjoy it the most so it becomes a part of your lifestyle, not another task?

Learn to relish being an amateur, imperfectly imperfect, and becoming more patient. We all could use more of it. Recovery and time are true healers.