🦷Less Is More

I asked my grandparents the other day what was on their mind and what they were up to at my age.

They told me they never did as much as I do in a day yet felt more fulfilled, present and could actually remember what and why they did something.

They had one mission whenever they did anything or went somewhere. No multitasking in sight. They didn’t tackle 3 side hustles on their lunch break or schedule a phone call for next week for a specific length to meet up with their friends.

They didn’t consume content every time there was nothing to do, an awkward silence or long line. They had 1 book and finished it before starting a new one. They had soft fascination about everything and were interested in others rather than focused on being interesting themselves.

They looked up to the people they knew, not strangers based on their net worth. They didn’t take a chunk out of their day to exercise to end up eating more and rarely felt bored or lonely even with having less of everything most notably tech.

Ask yourself, what’s the worst thing that can happen if you are your authentic self and slow down?

If you actually wear what’s most comfortable, work at your own pace, do a little less with more meaning, not be so self-critical or obsessed with oneself and not put so much effort into pleasing strangers?

You’ll be surprised how much happier and productive you’ll be.

When we are our authentic self, we are better at our craft and more appreciative of it.

We focus on what’s really important, be in service of others, have a better perspective on things and are more productive in all areas of our lives not just work related.

Showing off does no good for anyone, especially yourself.

Less = More.

Get back to the basics to really enjoy it.