The Real Reasons Why The Wealthiest, Most Glamorous, and Famous Couples Divorce & How Some Resolve It

There’s no shortage of the world’s wealthiest, most glamorous people that are lonely and always looking for someone new. At the end of the day, money in the bank account and attractiveness may boost opportunities in the short-term but don’t go as far as we may believe.

Until you get to the stage where you have it all, you will end up realizing that there’s always something that’s missing. 

What looks fancy on paper isn’t always reality. 

Take it from the world’s most famous. They’ve got as many problems as anyone else, maybe even more. At least that should make you feel better.

Mo money mo problems.

Once our desires are met, we believe we are invisible and have everything. Although people may seem needy, at the basic level, we crave very simple things in life that are oftentimes priceless such as love, peace, happiness, security, and time. The dilemma is, we believe some of these things have a price tag, such as love, and one can attain more of it at a certain status however we all know that isn’t true and fades since relying on any amount of money for true love at that level rarely lasts. Maybe for the red carpet shot but afterward very rare.

As they say, if you’re married for more than 2 years in Hollywood, you’ve practically been married for a century since it’s so uncommon!

So how is this so with any contact in the world at your fingertips, every invite offered under the sun, appearances at the most luxurious events, assistants galore, Forbes appearance, and Sports Illustrated cover multiple times in a row but still no fulfillment? Welcome to reality.

Only once we stop comparing ourselves, we’ll never believe that the grass is greener on the other side and finally live in bliss but until that happens, we will always feel unsatisfied, no matter how many zeros next to our name. There’s always someone better, smarter, more attractive, faster, etc. and that rat race to prove something to yourself or others is wasting years off your life.

Unfortunately past a certain income, money cannot solve this problem of ever-lasting happiness nor can looks or accolades, maybe only charming personality, gratitude, ambition, good timing, and sheer luck to get you into the playing ring but that may clearly not last long either!

From Harry Styles to Tom Brady, Jennifer Lopez to Kim Kardashian, when it comes to keeping a strong and trusting relationship with novelty and a bit of fun, relationship experts find looks make up only less than 40% of the whole package. The rest requires real work and dedication that doesn’t come natural to people who have everything handed to them all the time.

Of course, you want to be physically attracted to someone in order to be with them and see yourself hanging out with them down the road, but once you age and mature, past 30, you realize that a relationship is for the long haul and you actually have to know the person, get along with them, have a few commonalities to make it work. You don’t want to be complete twins instead, have an equal balance of personality and interests and genuinely enjoy being in the presence of each other, not just for vanity and Instagenic photos.

Clearly, rich marrying rich is more common than not due to having a leg up as part of the same circle however it may serve ultra-wealthy couples such as superstars and football quarterbacks well if they got to know other those in other income classes and branched out of just meeting those who attend the Oscars or Met Gala.

Alikeness or Not

There are countless factors that come into play when determining if something will last or not. Even a solid investment can turn soar overnight due to supply chain shocks going on millions of miles away. There are far too many extraneous variables that come into play but with a relationship, you have far more control, oftentimes on how you react and how you tame your personality.

Everyone’s got a bad day and being a happy jolly fella 24/7 is unrealistic but being able to deal with challenges is part of the process and expected. Just like within your portfolio, investors not only expect uncertainty for the level of equity risk premium they put on the table but also require patience in order to see success down the road. To make something work requires sacrifice and with too much privilege and expectations from the start, for example estimating a guaranteed 10% in a bear market, is unrealistic and of course, will make you disappointed.

As examples with the celebrities listed above, after dating and or marrying several people in their circle, they know more or less who they like by now and whatever reasons may have caused their split since the media can only speculate, having too much privilege, fame, and fortune can certainly blur one’s reality and expectations of themselves.

If both partners are ultra-wealthy and always in the spotlight, there is naturally more likely to be a bit of competition between the two when it comes to dominating the finances in the household which could lead to trouble down the road as well. That’s why a prenup no matter how far into the future you can predict, is always necessary to get off your chest before it’s too late.

Although I’m not a relationship happiness expert, I know for a fact that anything meaningful takes work, patience, and major flexibility. Just like with having kids, there needs to be a compromise, selflessness involved, and patience, something those at the top of their game or field may not possess as strongly if they’re always handed everything.

Too high expectations will lead to disappointment anywhere anytime in your portfolio or relationship. Happiness = reality — expectations so keeping things realistic will certainly make your life easier. The rest is up to the both of you to work things out. Expect a bumpy road but with compromises and discussions along the road. It never hurts to talk it out.