⛵️Why Weekends Are More Productive Than Weekdays

These days it feels like every day is a Monday.

This is the last thing we want to hear and we’ve never wanted to venture out and say bon voyage to our siblings or divorce our family this bad in our lives.

Quality time is a blessing but as with many families, it can go overboard when stuck for half a year playing board games.

I’m going to sound like Gary Vee for a moment becuase I see this problem way too often that the most opportunistic individuals who are my age constantly disregard and avoid on purpose.

The importance of time management.

Yada yada, hear me out.

Don’t worry, I’m not here to persuade you with some #inspo and get you pampered to workout after this and be done.

Social media, influencers and self-help gurus have trained you to make a momentous unrealistic change now and go back to being normal tomorrow.

We need to change that, ASAP but hold your horses!

Not as quick as you change it back.

I was always a do it myself kid becuase I’ve never felt more comfortable than with myself.

I never understood why teens get uncomfortable walking by themselves or with their parents so I started to question it just becuase others did.

But what I didn’t pay attention to was why students would be so tired on Mondays and post regrettable pictures online on weekend nights.

I wouldn’t say I was not aware but I didn’t follow the trends, let’s call it that.

The reason being was not because I wasn’t social becuase I knew what they were doing I just chose not to listen and intervene, something we all have difficulty with.

I knew my peers wanted to experiment and something in my gut told me that the worst time to do that is when you are young because there is just too much potential.

Yes, there is nothing to lose from trying anything and having fun but that doesn’t apply in these cases that you can guess what they are.

I’m no Picasso but I was always a visionary, thinking about the future.

If I did ruin my health and tarnish my reputation, that would haunt me for the rest of my life so I knew it wouldn’t be worth it with a small outing or mistake in HS.

My family and I discuss this often, maybe it’s becuase we are an international family from Poland or grew up with a realistic, proactive vision, but we take weekends seriously, more than anyone.

When we came here, we saw Americans working 9-5 like a beast, afterward, chill and fall asleep with Cheetos on their lap and do that on repeat until Friday when they wasted themselves, got nothing done on the weekend because they needed to recover from the night before.

To me, that is a complete waste of life becuase it not only meant they didn’t have any aspirations, they didn’t enjoy their career.

As with our writing and with anything in life, moderation is key!

You don’t need to grind it out for 8 hours a day to expect better results.

Spread it out because you will think more clearly and take a breather so you can get more done.

Ok, I know what you are thinking…

But my job requires me to clock in at this time and I have no control!

Control what you can.

With those meetings, you probably cannot but with the rest of your schedule, you can.

Weekends are the busiest times of the week for me.

No one is bothering me because everyone is recovering from something apparently and I’m able to work quietly, alone and in a more relaxed state feeling that Monday is already Wednesday.

We have this association utilizing our AP English Lit class too seriously observing the root end of the word: week END.

If you want to get real work done and achieve any goals, simple as doing the laundry to coding the next app, associate weekdays as those days that are crowded in the week for nonsense work.

Expect to get much more hardcore deliberate and honest work when you can find that time, not scrammed, tedious work during the days.

Go ahead and you do you but you will be pressured to work more during the week and cram it all in.

Quality not quality.

When you don’t get enough sleep and no time to think versus spreading it out and making your own adjusted schedule, you and your to-do list will thank you.

Why leave work at work?
It shouldn’t even be considered work because that means it is a task that is solely required to pay your bills, not for true curiosity.

Associate your work with an enjoying process and if you really love it, let’s test how willing you are to log in during the weekend.

Life is about enjoyment not forcing yourself to work during the designated 9-5 to then find a work-life balance on the weekend.

Work-life balance is overrated.

You do what is best for you in order to be more productive at work and at home so you can find a blend not a division.

Work defines a part of who we are – with what we do for work, when we work and the amount of energy, passion or lack of it we put into work impacting our overall lives, as well.

(Nicole Leinback-Reyhle contributor to Forbes)